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Grilled Halloumi

August 11th, 2011 · No Comments

Have you met halloumi? Halloumi is a Greek cheese that has a very high melting point. Translation: it’s an ideal candidate for frying or grilling. It also has great flavor and texture. Think tofu meets feta, in the best way possible.

Grilled Halloumi makes a crowd pleasing starter. It can also be a last minute addition if you’re having a few unexpected guests and are worried the food you have planned won’t be enough. Dare I recommend that the humble and versatile Halloumi be stocked in your fridge for those very occasions?

Halloumi is rich and salty, both qualities which are perfectly tempered by the acidity of lemon juice. It has a rustic appeal and is also incredibly easy to prepare. You literally open a package, apply a knife, and head outside to the grill.

If you find yourself without a grill, halloumi can also be fried in a skillet with some lemon juice, butter, and maybe even some brandy (we’ve had it prepared this way at our friends’ Easter celebration and it is divine).

However you serve your halloumi, people will be happy.

Grilled Halloumi


You should be able to find Halloumi in the cheese section of your food market. It comes pre-packaged and is likely near the feta cheese. One package is enough for 4-5 people.

Preheat grill for 10 minutes or so to get the grates as hot as possible (that’s how you get those nice grill marks).

Halve cheese diagonally, then cut each triangle into 1/3-inch-thick slices.

Grill cheese, turning once, about 3 minutes per side. You want to achieve those grill marks.

Remove from heat, plate, squeeze some lemon, and serve.

Neighborhood: Homecooking